Mobile Application Development

Do you need a proactive team that can dive into your business ecosystem? Who can study the market and understand its needs, requirements, and opportunities? Who can develop a truly personalized strategy and harness the full potential of mobile technology for your business? 

Our team has extensive experience in developing custom mobile applications for a variety of industries, from retail to healthcare applications. 

Custom Mobile Application Development  

This is what custom mobile application development is about. We know your business and tailor our application development services to your goals and expectations. 

Android Application Development 

The Android operating system offers many features, but also presents unique challenges due to the development of hardware. Our senior developers can minimize app design and development complexity by supporting app creation, regardless of the development stage of your app, and helping it to rank above in Google Play ratings. 

IOS Application Development 

Working with iOS gives the ability to work on three main devices: iPhone, iPad, and Apple Watch, with a unique potential in each area.  The 6 Solutions’ developers are already in the top 10 on the App Store and have worked in all areas including games, fintech, business apps, and many more. 


Bypassing native development can help speed up time to launch, but requires reputable experts to follow the correct methodology. Minimizing the impact on UX design is key to customer satisfaction and support. Developers can take advantage of their own platform, as well as share business logic with them when done successfully. 

Our Process – Agile Mobile Apps Development 

When you work closely with experienced mobile application developers, you get successful results. Using a proactive approach and agile process, we ensure that your time and investment are optimized at every step of the development and that you get a digital product that fully meets your requirements and even exceeds your expectations. 

Consulting & Strategy 

Choose technology and innovation consulting and in-depth market understanding to get a success-oriented mobile strategy for your business. 

Design & UX 

With the help of our developers, you get digital tools and a user-focused multichannel experience that fully meets your customer needs and business goals. 

Engineering & Delivery 

We take an iterative approach so you get a digital product with maximum efficiency, and deliver on time. 

QA & Optimization 

We integrate new products into your business and digital infrastructure, deliver quality assurance and use performance insights for future optimization. 

Our Services  

We cover all phases of mobile application development and offer brief consultation, design and development. 

Mobile Consulting 

We provide professional mobile consulting and business analysis to analyze your needs and requirements, define and prioritize features and plan solution architectures and perform usability testing. 

Mobile App Design and Development 

Our experts create conversion-driven mobile user experiences that result in high conversions and user retention. 

we provide all types of mobile application development services – from refactoring of your existing code to blank-slate app development; from website-to-app conversion to original concept realization. 

Backend Development 

Our team of experts’ backend developers creates a strong and secure backend and provides their integration with your application (or with a third-party system of your choice). 

Mobile App Evolution 

The 6 Solutions is always here to help your app grow, expand its functionality according to your roadmap, and introduce cutting-edge mobile experiences to keep your users engaged.