Hassle-Free Website Maintenance

Easy Website Care is a one-stop service that provides website services for major content management systems such as WordPress, Drupal and Shopify. We make website maintenance easy and effortless with different pricing programs according to your needs. We have a team of professionals, and all our resources are dedicated to providing the best website maintenance services in Toronto.


Individual Website Owner?

As a site owner, it is often difficult for you to keep it running online. You can forget to keep an eye on your site’s security and performance without updating your CMS frequently. These factors can negatively affect e-commerce and reputation. Hosting a website can take time and effort for a business owner, especially if you have a small business with limited staff. Fortunately, we can help. 

We are here to take care of your website so you can focus on your business. Our goal is to keep your website up to date and fully functional so that you can maintain your online presence. 

Analyze your site and its performance regularly to ensure there are no traffic violations, visitor behaviour, etc. We make sure that none of your pages have a higher bounce rate than usual and that search engines do not blacklist your list of sites. 


The 6 Solutions work as a support system for your advertising business. When working on other creative projects, you can outsource tasks that do not require special skills or specialization. Creative agencies usually design websites, design their appearance, create content, and make sure they are SEO-friendly. Once you publish your site, you need to maintain it to get the performance you need. We have experience in all aspects of this project. Work with us to make your website work properly and focus on developing it. Solve detailed tasks to attract more customers and spend time with them. This will allow you to increase your revenue, add customers to your list, and maintain a very high service level. We keep your site up to date and provide regular reports to identify issues and changes in performance. And our experts will fix them immediately. You can update, manage and maintain your website based on the most popular CMSs such as WordPress, Drupal and Shopify.  


  • Basic SEO setup 
  • Database Optimisation 
  • Image Optimisation 
  • Content/Database Backups 
  • Performance Test 
  • WordPress Core and Plugin Updates 
  • Security Check 
  • 404 & Broken links check 


  • Performance Test 
  • Module Updates 
  • Basic SEO setup 
  • Content/Database Backups 
  • Core Security Updates 
  • Image Optimization 
  • Database Optimization 
  • 404 & Broken links check 


  • App installation and configuration 
  • Theme Updates 
  • Enable or disable theme feature 
  • Liquid Bug Fixing 
  • Any Shopify Related Task  
  • Add or update menu in the navigation 
  • Social media update 
  • Change Layout 

Skills That Make a Meaningful Difference for Your Business

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